Staff evaluations. Why they are important and what NOT to do.

The Everyday Solopreneur
5 min readMar 7, 2023

Undervalued? That is how your team may feel if you don’t put in the effort.

How can we ensure that our staff are always valued? Some organisations use a checklist with common questions, while others insist on a handwritten report. The most common is a combination of the two with several variations.

It doesn’t matter which method you follow; the result should be the same. There are various names for the same process; evaluations, assessments or appraisals are all pretty much the same.

A two-way street.

The goal is to have a good two-way, semi-formal conversation during which the interviewee and the interviewer are assessed.

Pardon? Hold on a moment, what?

Well, a good evaluation isn’t just about the performance and standards of the person being evaluated. It should also be the opportunity for every employee to say what is on their mind without fearing and worrying about consequences. But, of course, they are expected to remain polite and professional at all times; no personal insults allowed, sorry.

Evaluation overload.

Suppose the manager has many of these evaluations to perform. In that case, they can become a routine with little or no…



The Everyday Solopreneur
The Everyday Solopreneur

Written by The Everyday Solopreneur

Successes and failures of building a successful business after spending a lifetime as a salaried employee. The change in mindset is surprisingly tricky.